AMERICA'S OLDEST TAXIDERMY ESTABLISHMENT 8520 Gravois Rd. St. Louis, MO 63123 Phone:(314) 631-0515 Fax:(314) 631-0893 |
Field Care Tips For Taxidermy: Gameheads: When you are Field-dressing your deer do not slit the throat or go up any further than between the front legs. Do not put rope around the neck of the animal to drag; try and keep the shoulders on up, from dragging over rocks. Once the animal has been checked in hang the deer up by the back legs and start skinning down towards the head end. Once you get it skinned as far as you can to the base of the skull, cut the meat and leave the whole back skin, head, and antlers all in one piece, then get that into a plastic bag and either freeze, or at least keep cold on ice until you can freeze it or get it to a taxidermist. Ducks, Geese, Turkeys: 1. Try and pick a good specimen to start with, it does make a difference of the final outcome of the mount. Do not field dress! 2. Look for broken wing feathers, or where pellets cut the feathers on the wings, if you want an open wing (flying mount). 3. Try and keep as much blood or mud off the bird. Then lay the head back and under a wing, then put the bird in a plastic bag and freeze or at least keep on ice until you can either get to a freezer or until you can get to a taxidermist. Fish: 1. Do not gut your fish! 2. Take a good close up photo of your fish; it will help the taxidermist when he is ready to paint the fish so he can duplicate the characteristics of your individual fish. 3. Lay the fish down on a wet towel, lay fins flat against the fish's body and roll the fish up in the towel, then put the wrapped up fish into a plastic bag, seal as much air out of the bag as possible. Then put into the freezer as soon as possible, or at least keep on ice until you can get to a freezer or a taxidermist. Skins, Deer, or Furbearers: Skin the animal with as few of holes as possible. If you want to save the feet and tail of the animal, you can leave the skinning of the tail, and feet to your taxidermist, as he can do a better job of it than you. Once you have the skin off the animal, take time to get as much flesh off the hide as possible, then freeze the skin in a plastic bag as soon as possible. Bear Rugs: 1. Make a cut from center of underneath neck, down center of belly to anus. 2. Then make a cut starting from each foot pad to the belly incision. Take as much fat and flesh off the skin side as possible. 3. Roll skin up with head on the outside so it freezes faster. 4. Put in plastic bag and freeze. The taxidermist can skin the head and feet out at a later date. By freezing any trophy as soon a possible you are stopping any bacteria from growing on and spoiling the trophy. Bacteria are what starts the decomposing stages that cause hair and feathers to fall out of their skins and the meat to spoil. Before you pick a taxidermist, go and spend some time looking at several guys quality of work. Low price usually is for a reason! If a mount is done correctly, it should last many years with out much maintenance at all. Always remember: You get what you pay for and The bitterness of low quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten. |